
-  Use gammacamera with paralell high energy collimator for imaging.

-  At 72 h or 7 days (therapeutic dose), obtain whole body images in anterior and posterior views at 5 cm/min table speed.

-  Put a radioactive marker on mandible, upper sternum, xyphoid process and pubic symphysis.

-  Mark palpable nodules.

-  In difficult cases fusion with CT or MRI is helpful to locate lesions.


1  David V. Becker et al. Procedure Guideline for Extended Scintigraphy for Differentiated Thyroid Cancer 2.0 p: 15-18, Society of Nuclear Medicine MANUAL 2001-2002.

2  Garcia del Rio et al. Cancer Tiroideo Funcionante: Diagnostico y Evolución, p: 185-191 and Wagner J et al. Tratamiento del Cancer Diferenciado del Tiroides con Radioyodop: 193-201 in: Medicina Nuclear Aplicaciones Clínicas. Eds: I. Carrio - P.

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