I-131 Whole Body Scan Lung Metastasis Prepared By Dr Gabriel Castro (Costa Rica)














            54 y/o male. History of papillary thyroid carcinoma follicular variant, with lymphonode metastasis (10/11) treated with total thyroidectomy and 150mCi of 131 I, one month later. TSH: 125 IU/ml. He has no prior evidence of distant metastasis.

            Although most well-differentiated thyroid cancers follow a slow clinical course, approximately 1% to 8% of papillary and 8% to 33% of patients with follicular thyroid carcinoma present with distant metastasis at the time of diagnosis (1). In planning the follow-up strategy, one should firstly rely on the results of the WBS obtained a few days after the administration of the ablative dose of 131-I and on individual prognostic factors. Posttherapy WBS should always be performed because it has greater sensitivity than the diagnostic scan (2).
            Whole Body Scan (WBS) : 3 days after ablative 131 I dose. Several abnormal areas of 131-I irregular uptake are seen in both lung bases (arrows in spot posterior view), compatible with metastasis, also focal moderate uptake in left neck region  (arrow head above).


1) Lin J, Chao T. Papillary Thyroid Carcinomas with Lung Metastases. 2004: 14: 1091-1096.
2) Sherman SI, Tielens ET, et al. Clinical utility of post-treatment radioiodine scans in the management of patients with thyroid cancer. J Clin     Endocrinol Metab 1994; 78:629.

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