Chronic Sialadenitis (Prepared by Dr Javiera Gonzalez)













            Female, 6 year old. Complains for about 2 years of intermittent pain and lump in left parotid gland. All symptoms worsen 1 month ago. The clinical diagnosis: Left parotid sialadenitis. She underwent scintigraphy with sialogogue at 20 min. Relative good uptake in 4 major salivary glands, note retention of the tracer in the left parotid gland (arrow) and flat yellow time activity curve at bottom left side.

            This a condition most frequent in children. Usually there is assymetric parotid involvement as in this case.

            According to Hughes et al, "Scintigraphy and plain films represent the least invasive and the most suitable primary method of investigating sialadenitis." (1).


1   Hughes PM, Carson K, Hill J, Hastings D. Scintigraphic evaluation of sialadenitis. Br J Radiol. 1994 Apr;67(796):328-31.


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