

-  Interpret the images on the computer screen or in the printouts.

-  Compare uptake intensity with that of neck soft tissues and thyroid image. Normally in the first minutes there is good visualization of parotids and submandibular glands with intensity similar to that of the thyroid or slightely less.

-  It is useful to get time activity curves over parotids, submandibular glands and mouth. Curves show increasing counts up until the acid stimulous, at wich time drop sharply.

-  Note oral activity at baseline and after acid stimulus. Usually with the greatest activity.

-  Quantitative parameters may be obtained, but in the majority of the cases, the visual interpretation of images is enough.

-  In the report include:

a) Shape and size of parotids and submandibular glands.

b) Radiotracer concentration in salivary glands, mouth, thyroid and soft tissues, before and after acid stimulous;

c) Compare salivary glands intensity with mentioned structures;

d) Note increase and diminution of activity in curves of all useful sites.

e) Delay enhancement;

The following criteria may summarize the report parameters to assess functionality:

Grade 0 = Normal uptake and excretion.

Grade 1 = Mild functional involvement.

Grade 2 = Moderate functional involvement.

Grade 3 = Severe functional involvement.

Grade 4 = Absent salivary function.



Tembl Ferrairo A.. Estudio de las Glandulas Salivales. p: 229-238 in: Medicina Nuclear Aplicaciones Clínicas. Eds: I. Carrio - P. González. Editorial Masson, Barcelona España, 2003.


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