Liver Segments (Couinaud)
I) caudate/Spigel lobe
II) left posterolateral segment
III) left anterolateral segment
IVa) left superomedial segment
IVb) left inferomedial segment
V) right anteroinferior segment
VI) right posteroinferior segment
VII) right posterosuperior segment
VIII) right anterosup
erior segment
right hepatic vein (VII+VI y VIII+V)
gallbladder fossa and the IVC (R y L)
the umbilical fissure (IVb y III)
the left hepatic vein (III y II)
portal vein (VII+VIII y VI+V)
Home Index Hepatobiliary Scintigraphy Blood Pool Liver SPECT Liver Spleen SPECT Liver and Billiary Tract Essential Anatomy