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Cuadro de texto: (A)
Cuadro de texto: (B)
            Female, 33 years of age, complaining of joints pain, was referred to assess lung involvement due to fibromialgia and chronic allergia (urticaria). No smoking habit. Patient underwent radioaerosol ventilation scintigraphy (A) with 20 mCi of 99mTc-DTPA followed inmediately by a 20 min acquisition of both lungs in posterior view (left hand side), which depicted homogeneous uptake and some tracer deposit in thrachea and main brochi. At processing region of interests were drawn in the  two lungs getting the corresponding time activity curves (right hand side, yellow arrows). Curves have slow clearance of tracer, with calculated right and left T1/2 of 90 min and 118 min, respectively. These values are within reference limits (Normal Values). Bone scan showed a small focus of increased uptake in the tip of sternum and sacroiliac  joints, with sacroiliac index slightly elevated of 1.5 in each side, see Normal Values (B).


1   Massardo T.,González P. et al. Alveolo-capillary permeability (ACP) measurement with Tc 99m DTPA in asymptomatic population. Air pollution effect. Europ J Nucl Med. 1990; 16: S102 (Abstract).

2   Meneghetti C. Patología Pulmonar Inflamatoria e Infiltrativa. p: 587-591 in: Medicina Nuclear Aplicaciones Clínicas. Eds: I. Carrio - P. González. Editorial Masson, Barcelona España, 2003.

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