Sector Map
The segmentation model used in PI-RADS™ v2 employs thirty-nine sectors/regions: thirty-six for the prostate, two for the seminal vesicles and one for the external urethral sphincter. The prostate is divided into right/left on axial sections by a vertical line drawn through the center (indicated by the prostatic urethra), and into anterior/posterior by a horizontal line through the middle of the gland.
The right and left peripheral zones (PZ) at prostate base, midgland, and apex are each subdivided into three sections: anterior (a), medial posterior (mp), and lateral posterior (lp).
The right and left transition zones (TZ) at prostate base, midgland, and apex are each subdivided into two sections: anterior (a) and posterior (p).
The central zone (CZ) is included in the prostate base around the ejaculatory ducts.
The anterior fibromuscular stroma (AS) is divided into right/left at the prostate base, midgland, and apex.
The seminal vesicles (SV) are divided into right/left.
The urethral sphincter (US) is marked in the prostate apex and along the membranous segment of the urethra.


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