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Male 10 year old, right renal pigtail recently extracted.
Dynamic bladder filling and emptying study showed activity within normal limits. With little residual volume and fast washout curve. No VUR was seen. At bottom, flat kidney and ureter curves, no peak suggestive of VUR was found.
Prepared by Dr Isabel Berrocal (Costa Rica)
Indirect isotope cystography allows the evaluation of vesicoureteral reflux and bladder function in physiological conditions because the bladder filling occurs physiologically, it does not require bladder catheterization, but it is less sensitive than direct cystography and radiological cystography.


1) Vesicoureteral reflux monitoring.
2)  Bladder emptying assessment

D'Errico G. The role of nuclear medicine in evaluation of vesicoureteral reflux and/or reflux nephropathy. Rays. 2002 Apr-Jun;27(2):149-54


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