Normal Images (Prepared by Dr Isabel Berrocal)













        Male 10 year old, right renal pigtail recently extracted. Kidneys with normal position, shape and size. Perfusion is adequate, synchronously with aortic flow in both organs (left hand side). The uptake of 99m Tc-MAG 3 is appropriate and bilaterally symmetrical, showing spontaneous excretion and complete response with diuretic stimulation. Normal ureteric aspect (right hand side). Right renal function: 49% . Left renal function: 51% Half-time diuretic response: Right Kidney: 4.2 min Left Kidney: 5.9 min. Note renographic curves at bottom, with rapid washout.

            Renal scintigraphy, allows the quantitative evaluation of renal function and urodynamics through the recording of a sequence of images which are monitored by the arrival uptake and elimination of the radiopharmaceutical DTPA or MAG-3. They are the radiopharmaceuticals most used in studies nephrourological because of their characteristics: High extraction fraction, with high efficiency.
 Indications: reflux nephropathy and renal scarring (renal scintigraphy and radionuclide cystography), obstructive nephropathy (diuretic renography), renovascular hypertension (ACE inhibitor renography) and in evaluating renal transplantation (sequential study, renography, diuretic renography).


1) Itoh K. , et al. 99mTc-MAG3: review of pharmacokinetics, clinical application to renal diseases and quantification of renal function. Ann Nucl Med. 2001 Jun;15(3):179-90.

2) Diaz L, Manriquez A.Isotopic studies in pediatric nephrourology. Rev Esp Med Nucl. 2004; 23(3):207-27.

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