18F-FDG Tumor Imaging Radiotracer Radiation Doses
The table shows the radiation absorved doses of most important tissues for 18F-FDG, expressed in Rad or mGray per mCi or MBq, respectively. It also displays the adult effective dose in terms of Rem or mSv per mCi or MBq, respectively. Note that the critical organ is the bladder. It is important for the patient to keep a normal hydration and void as often as possible. If a total dose of 15 mCi or 555 MBq are injected then the total absorved dose would be of 0,65 Rad or 6,7 mSv, respectively.
1 International Committee on Radiation Protection (ICRP). Annals of the ICRP. Publication 80. Pergamon Press, New York, NY. 1998;28: N 3, page 49.
2 Hays MT, Watson EE, Thomas SR, Stabin M. MIRD dose estimate report no. 19: radiation absorbed dose estimates from 18F-FDG. J Nucl Med 2002 Feb;43(2):210-4.
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