Solitary Lung Nodule and Rectum Carcinoma










        Female, 38 year old, presented at routine clinical workup  with a solitary pulmonary nodule in the posterior segment of the right superior lobe seen on chest x-ray and CT, 12 mm, no calcifications.  Pet-FDG done with 16 mCi, injected with blood glucose level of 89 mg/dl showed a moderate intensity FDG uptake in the right lung nodule having well-defined edges (black arrows). Also, demonstrated a rounded nodule with increased activity of FDG in the rectosigmoid measuring approximately 2 cm diameter (blue arrows). In the volumetric image, note likewise mild bilateral breast uptake consistent with fibrocystic disease.


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2  Rohren EM, Turkington TG, Coleman RE. Clinical applications of PET in oncology. Radiology. 2004 May; 231(2): 305-32.

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