Female, 81 years of age with Diabetes Mellitus. Complains of pain in right shoulder and scapular region. Abdominal ultrasound showed chronic liver damage, splenomegaly, mild atheromatosis in abdominal aorta and right renal cyst.

            She underwent a 99mTc-MDP bone scan which demonstrated increased uptake in shoulders, L5, knees and bilateral tarsal region. Note also, pelvocaliceal MDP retention. The bladder is in lower position than usual and has a triangle shape at the level of the pubic symphysis, best seen in the posterior spot view. These findings are consistent with  bladder prolapse. Study suggestive of  osteoarthritis in joints described.


Slavin JD Jr, Shoemaker DW, Spencer RP. Prolapse of the urinary bladder demonstrated on bone imaging. Clin Nucl Med. 1988 Nov;13(11):834.

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