Cuadro de texto:  
                            -  Half life: 25.2 s 
                            -  Mode of decay: Alpha to Pb-207 
                                                        º  Branch ratio: 99.98 % 
                                                        º  Decay energy: 9.057 MeV 
                             -  Mode of decay: IT to Po-211 
                                                        º  Branch ratio: 0.02 % 
                                                        º  Decay energy: 1.462 MeV 
                             -  Possible parent nuclides: 
                                                         º  Beta from Bi-211 
                              -  Electron capture from At-211 
                                  Alpha from Rn-215 
Cuadro de texto:  
                              -  Atomic Mass: 210.9866369 ± 0.0000032 amu 
                              -  Excess Mass: -12447.675 ± 2.953 keV 
                             -  Binding Energy: 1649779.101 ± 2.966 keV 
                             -  Beta Decay Energy: B- -786.122 ± 2.545 keV 
                             -  Spin: 9/2+ 
                             -  Half life: 0.516 s 
                             -  Mode of decay: Alpha to Pb-207 
                             -  Decay energy: 7.595 MeV 
                                Meta state at 1.462 Mev 
                            -  Spin: 25/2+) 
















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