Cuadro de texto:  
-  Atomic Mass: 116.9086342 ± 0.0000204 amu 
-  Excess Mass: -85106.700 ± 19.041 keV 
-  Binding Energy: 988769.092 ± 19.042 keV 
-  Beta Decay Energy: B- -4670.055 ± 69.156 keV 
-  Spin: 1/2+ 
-  Half life: 62 min 
-  Mode of decay: Electron capture to Sb-117 
                                       Decay energy: 3.535 MeV 
    Meta state at 0.296 Mev 
-  Spin: 11/2- 
-  Half life: 103 ms 
-  Mode of decay: IT 
Decay energy: 0.296 MeV 
-  Possible parent nuclides: 
    Electron capture from I-117



















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