Effect of Radiation Therapy

            It is known that after radioiodine therapy, especially with doses of 100 mCi (3.7 GBq) or more there is a 30% to 40% incidence of salivary gland function involvement.

            Klutmann et al., comment that the parenchymal function reduction in salivary glands increased from 15% after the administration of as little as 0.4–0.6 GBq 131I through 30% after the application of 1.4–1.5 GBq 131I up to 90% after 24 GBq 131I were administered cumulatively.

            As a preventive indication it is advisable for patients to take acid juices, or savor acid candies, to increase saliva secretion and excrete the radioiodine, starting the second day after receiving the radioiodine and for 3 days.

            Salivary scintigraphy shows function impairment similar to what is seen in Sjogren's Disease.


Klutmann S., Bohuslavizki K.H., Kroger S., Bleckmann C., Brenner W., Mester J. and Clausen M.. Quantitative Salivary Gland Scintigraphy. J Nucl Med Technol 1999; 27:20–26.

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