Hodgking Lymphoma Therapy Follow up
Male, 41 year old with Hodgking Lymphoma. Baseline FDG PET in upper row: large mediastinal mass and 2 small hypermetabolic foci on the right axilla and in right supraclavicular region. Bottom row, 4 months after chemotherapy: Complete Response.
Usually there is marked uptake of FDG in Lymphoma Disease, but it depends on the Cell Type as well.
1 Simo M. Utilidad de la Tomografia PET en cancer de mama, p: 535-541 and Setoain X. PET en los linfomas, p: 543-547. En Medicina Nuclear Aplicaciones Clínicas. Eds: I. Carrio - P. González. Editorial Masson, Barcelona España, 2003.
2 Rohren EM, Turkington TG, Coleman RE. Clinical applications of PET in oncology. Radiology. 2004 May;231(2):305-32.