32 year old patient with a history of cutaneous non-Hodgking's lymphoma diagnosed 1 year ago. Received chemotherapy and radiation therapy and later on a bone marrow transplant . Radiotherapy was performed post-transplantation in the right armpit and groin and left chest region. Correlative study: Thorax CT : 1.5 cm lymph node in right axillary region. PET FDG was requested as follow-up and showed several hypermetabolic foci in both inguinal regions and right flank subcutaneous level compatible with malignant tumoral activity (arrows). There is no abnormal uptake in the right axilla.
Usually there is marked uptake of FDG in Non Hodgking Disease, but it depends on the Clinical Type as well.
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2 Rohren EM, Turkington TG, Coleman RE. Clinical applications of PET in oncology. Radiology. 2004 May;231(2):305-32.