18F-CHOLINE Tumor Imaging Radiotracer Radiation Doses
Absorved Dose
Critical Organ mGy/MBq |
Absorved Dose
Study Organ mGy/MBq |
mGy/MBq |
Gonads mGy/MBq |
Effective Dose
Adult mSv/MBq |
0,079 Kidneys
0,062 Liver
(1) | (1) | (1) | (1) | (1) |
The table shows the radiation absorved doses of most important tissues for 18F-CHOLINE, expressed in mGray per MBq. It also displays the adult effective dose in terms of mSv per MBq. Note that the critical organ are the kidneys. It is important for the patient to keep a normal hydration and void as often as possible. If a total dose of 10 mCi or 370 MBq are injected then the total absorved dose would be of 6,7 mSv.
According to Giussani et al., the organs receiving the highest doses are the kidneys (reference patient, 0.079 mGy/MBq; individual values, 0.033-0.105 mGy/MBq) and the liver (reference patient, 0.062 mGy/MBq; individual values, 0.036-0.082 mGy/MBq). The dose to the urinary bladder wall of the reference patient varies between 0.017 and 0.030 mGy/MBq, depending on the assumptions on bladder voiding (1).
1 Giussani A, Janzen T, Uusijärvi-Lizana H, Tavola F, Zankl M, Sydoff M, Bjartell A, Leide-Svegborn S, Söderberg M, Mattsson S, Hoeschen C, Cantone MC. A compartmental model for biokinetics and dosimetry of 18F-choline in prostate cancer patients. J Nucl Med. 2012 Jun;53(6):985-93.
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