18F-CHOLINE Tumor Imaging Radiotracer






                       Radiation Doses                            

            Choline labelled with 11C or 18F, is a new PET tracer employed to detect several pathologic conditions, mainly malignancies. Half-life of 11C is 20 min and 18F has a half life of 109 min.  This compound can be employed in cases of malignant tumors  less avid of glucose. This radiopharmaceutical is introduced into cell proteins and thus becomes part of the cell membrane proper.  

            11C–choline is the ideal choline tracer (biologically the same as natural choline) and has low urinary excretion with good quality of pelvic imaging. A limitation is significant retention in liver parenchyma. With 18F, two different molecules have been proposed for diagnostic use. 18F-fluoroethylcholine (FEC) has superior image quality than C11 choline due to shorter positron range and rapid excretion into urine. 18F-Fluoromethylcholine (FCH or FMEC) uptake in cultured prostate Ca cells is 5 times that of FEC having lower urinary excretion than FEC


1  Rohren EM, Turkington TG, Coleman RE. Clinical applications of PET in oncology. Radiology. 2004 May;231(2):305-32.

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